Buzz Fightyear #587

What are your pronouns?


What's the story behind your Derby Number?

A light year is 5.87x10^12 so 587 is all I could fit on a jersey

What do you love about derby?

I love the strategy aspect of derby and the teamwork needed for success.

What music would be your entrance music?*

This Must Be the Place by the Talking Heads

How did you get your derby name?

It came from an inappropriate beginning but a wholesome ending

Where are you from?

Beaver Dam, WI

What is your occupation outside of roller derby?

I'm an HVAC Service Technician

What has roller derby taught you that you apply in your daily life?

Roller derby has taught me to just go for it and do it, whatever it is, just JUMP!

Do you have any game day rituals or lucky charms?

Absolutely no caffeine and fruit is a must