Donut #88
What are your pronouns?
What's the story behind your Derby Number?
They look like donuts.
What do you love about derby?
The intense mix of athleticism, strategy, and community.
What music would be your entrance music?
Welcome to The Jungle by Guns N' Roses.
How did you get your derby name?
My aunt used to play roller derby under the name Drunkin Donut so the whole family got their own donut name. My original derby name was Mini Donut because when I started in junior derby I was half the size I am now.
Where are you from?
Goodman, WI (" the Up North")
What is your occupation outside of roller derby?
What has roller derby taught you that you apply in your daily life?
The biggest one would be resilience
Do you have any game day rituals or lucky charms?
Eating as much food as I can get my hands on just 5 mins before we start and jamming to my pregame playlist.