What are your pronouns?
What's the story behind your Derby Number?
Simple- It is the year I was born.
What do you love about derby?
The confidence it builds. It has empowered me to do things I never thought I would do. This transfers into my everyday life as well.
What music would be your entrance music?
I have such an eclectic taste in music but more than likely anthing by In This Moment or No Doubt
What position or role do you have with the League?
I am labeled a blocker but now playing as a Honey I am sure I will be jamming too! I was the previous Events chair and currently still am a part of that committee. I have also been on marketing and still like to assist marketing when I can.
How did you get your derby name?
KOKO was a nickname it is merged the first two letters of my first and last name together. I actually had the epiphany to add nut at the end at church. Plus let's be real, you have to be a nut to play roller derby!
What is your occupation outside of roller derby?
I am the Education and Community Program Manager at Bergstrom-Mahler Museum of Glass
What has roller derby taught you that you apply in your daily life?
That this introverted artist can step out of her bubble and do things that make me uncomfortable.
Do you have any game day rituals or lucky charms?
My family is my "pit crew" and assist in getting my skates ready for whatever floor I need to play in. I alway try to eat Qdoba for lunch. Specifically a burrito bowl. Sour patch kids for a little boost of sugar. Music is also my motivator and a must listen to get me in derby zone. Also, my extensive bout face makeup ritual. #showtimesynergy