Nikity Split #38

What are your pronouns?


What do you love about derby?

I love that Roller Derby is a fun way to stay in shape, feed my competitive side, promote a healthy self body image, and support my community through outreach activities.

What music would be your entrance music?

Push It by Salt-N-Pepa

How did you get your derby name?

I'm not very big or strong, so I better be quick

Where are you from?

Green Bay, WI

What is your occupation outside of roller derby?

Certified Public Accountant

What has roller derby taught you that you apply in your daily life?

Roller Derby taught me the importance of teamwork. Being a good team player has nothing to do with speed, strength, or skill. It has everything to do with attitude, effort, and accountability.

Do you have any game day rituals or lucky charms?

My lucky charm is my smile. As long as I've got that, it's going to be a good game.