Widow Maker #888
What are your pronouns?
What do you love about derby?
I love how tough it is, nothing in derby ever comes easy, which makes it so rewarding.
What music would be your entrance music?
‘Supermassive Black Hole’ by Muse.
How did you get your derby name?
My stepdad is a logger, and he always refers to trees that are dangerous to cut down as “widow-makers”, so stay out of my way and you’ll be fine.
Where are you from?
Antigo, WI
What is your occupation outside of roller derby?
I’m a paleontologist! I play with dinosaurs.
What has roller derby taught you that you apply in your daily life?
How to take a hit, and how to get back up again.
Do you have any game day rituals or lucky charms?
I have a pair of Lightning McQueen socks that give me a speed boost.